Dental veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures but they are not always perfect, especially when performed by inexperienced dentists. Veneers are the most natural-looking and longest-lasting dental restorations available. They can last 15 years or longer with proper care. In rare instances, unexpected problems can arise.

The good news is that most common disadvantages of veneers have a straightforward solution. Check out our video to see an overview of the biggest cons of veneers and keep reading below for a more detailed overview.

Dental Veneers Can Be Pricey

One of the biggest disadvantages of veneers is that they are expensive. The average cost of a dental veneer can range between $950 and $2,500, and they aren’t typically covered by insurance. However, there are simple ways to make the cost more manageable. Here are just a few examples: 

  • Financing. Most dentists understand that not every patient can pay for their procedure in one installment. A porcelain veneers treatment is an investment in your quality of life and career, so we offer financing options to arrange a flexible payment plan that works for you.

  • Cosmetic dentistry grants. If you have a significant need for dental veneers, you may qualify for a grant through the Cosmetic Dentistry Grants Program. These grants can be difficult to get approved for, but it costs nothing to apply.

  • Full coverage healthcare. With a full-coverage healthcare plan, you may be able to have a portion or all of your costs covered for dental veneers. Full-coverage healthcare costs much more than a traditional healthcare plan, but it may be worth it in some cases.

For more examples, refer to our comprehensive guide on how to pay for cosmetic dentistry

Poorly-Done Veneers Can Become Loose

Another big problem with getting veneers done by an inexperienced dentist is that veneers can detach from the tooth. Veneers are firmly fastened to the teeth using a specialized bonding cement, but improper application will cause issues in the future.

In the unlikely event that the bonding process isn’t 100% successful or the veneer comes loose over time, you’ll need to visit a reputable Beverly Hills veneers dentist right away. You’ll know that the veneer has an insufficient bond if it feels loose or if food particles collect between the veneer and the natural tooth.

This demands immediate attention because a loose veneer can create a breeding ground for bacteria and lead to tooth decay over time, resulting in permanent damage to the tooth. If you notice a bonding issue, visit your dentist right away. They may be able to re-bond the veneer and establish a firmer, more secure hold. 

Veneers Can Become Discolored

Contrary to popular belief, veneers can stain and/or become discolored. Even porcelain veneers, which are more stain-resistant than composite veneers, may get stained without proper care. The best course of action is to prevent your veneers from getting stained in the first place. 


To prevent your veneers from getting stained or discolored in the first place, use a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothbrush to clean them at least twice a day. 

Do not use a toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide or other whitening agents, as this may wear down the glaze and leave the veneer more susceptible to staining. For best results, use a fluoride toothpaste that’s formulated for veneers.

Also use an alcohol-free antiseptic mouthwash each time you brush. This will help to prevent the accumulation of plaque that contributes to gum disease and also help to keep your veneers whiter. 


Conventional whitening agents don’t work on porcelain veneers. If the veneer itself is stained or discolored, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a professional cleaning. 

In the case of porcelain veneers (which are extremely stain-resistant), the problem is more likely that the surrounding teeth have become discolored over time—causing the veneer to stand out. In this case, you can use whitening strips for the surrounding teeth, but you’ll likely still need to visit your dentist to ensure an appropriate color match. 

For more information, refer to our guide on how to whiten your veneers

Dental Veneers Can Crack

One of the more serious problems with veneers is that they can crack. While veneers are designed to be very durable, normal wear and tear and lack of proper care may cause this to occur. If your veneer cracks, it will usually need to be replaced—especially if it’s a porcelain veneer. 


Veneers, especially porcelain veneers, are extremely durable. They should not crack without cause. With that said, you still need to be proactive about protecting the material. 

Avoid chewing on hard candy, ice cubes, and other hard objects—including non-food objects like pencils. Avoid tooth-grinding as well. If you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night, consider investing in a mouth guard. 


Collect the broken pieces and put them somewhere safe so that you can bring them with you to the dentist. Try to schedule an emergency appointment for sometime within the next 48 hours, 72 hours at most. Then show up for your appointment with the missing pieces. 

If the dentist can repair the veneer, they’ll do it at the scheduled appointment. More likely, though, they will need to remove the remaining prosthetic from the tooth and fit you for a replacement veneer.

Teeth May Decay Under Veneers

If your tooth feels loose, sore, or sensitive, you may be experiencing tooth decay under the veneer. Sensitivity along the gum line near the veneer is also a cause for concern.

Though the bonding agent is designed to establish a firm seal and prevent plaque and bacteria from seeping beneath the veneer, there are instances when bacteria can accumulate. If plaque accumulates, it can lead to cavities and tooth decay. 

The sooner you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth. As soon as you notice any pain, looseness, or sensitivity, schedule an appointment with your dentist. They can determine whether intervention is needed to treat the tooth decay and possibly replace the veneer. 

Problems With Veneers? Call Your Dentist

The idea of visiting your dentist has been a central theme in this article, and for good reason. Veneers are designed to be stain-resistant and tough, so in the rare instance that a problem does arise, it’s often more complex than you can manage on your own as a patient. 

Your dentist is your best asset when it comes to protecting and treating your cosmetic dental work. Most likely, you’ll never experience problems with veneers, but if you do, reach out to a professional immediately.

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