Golden Rule Of Proportion For Dentistry
Most Cosmetic and General Dentists use rules of proportion when sculpting a Hollywood smile or smile makeover. At Arthur Glosman DDS, we follow the Golden Rule Of Proportion, also known as the Rule of Thirds, Golden Ratio, Golden Proportion, and Divine Proportion. These rules refer to the same two facial features that are the most important to consider: the interpupillary line and the lip lines.
Here is more information on how we use these rules for our practice:
Facial Composition
Aesthetic principles such as symmetry, proportion, and alignment are analyzed and evaluated when determining facial beauty. As a cosmetic dentist who offers complete dental restorations, my treatments may include: orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, lip lifts, dental lifts, porcelain veneers, or other options to obtain these optimal proportions.
Tooth Dimensions
To find the correct proportions we first look at the central teeth and how they fit with the rest of the face. These first proportions must be close to perfect, typically with a length ratio of 4:5 and a width measuring approximately 75–80% of that, depending on the patient. Once the center teeth proportions are established we can sculpt the placement of the lateral teeth and canines. It’s important to note that we are not talking about the actual size, but the perceived size when viewed from the facial characteristics or the distance between line-angles of the teeth.
Balance and Symmetry
When talking about balance and symmetry there are two different approaches we can take: Static and Dynamic Symmetry. Static is when one side of the smile is the exact same as the other, resembling a mirror, common with Hollywood smile makeovers. Dynamic symmetry is when both sides look very similar, but not exactly the same. Dynamic symmetry is also called the “perfect imperfection” resembling a more natural smile.
Sex, Age and Personality
Obviously, positioning and proportions of the face are different for every person. It also depends on what the patient is looking to accomplish. Here is a general guide for different patients based on their dental goals:
Youthful Look – Unworn teeth, more defined, bright shades of white
Mature Look – Shorter teeth, less smile display, natural shades of white
Female – Rounded, smooth, soft look
Male – Cuboidal, defined edge
Aggressive Personality – Pointed, fang-like canines
Arthur Glosman DDS in Beverly Hills provides patients with a perfect smile in just a few visits.